
The Life of Wind


Written two years ago—seems appropriate for today.

The Life of Wind

sitting in the waiting room
waiting for the wound specialist
to put on my mother’s
new dressing
her mastectomy was a success
but my friend’s mother’s
cancer has come back

there is no one
in the waiting room with me
there is only the hum of
a coffee machine
quiet chat of a doctor and nurse

outside the lone window
wind is upsetting the new maple leaves
tossing and shaking the buds
tearing at them

but the sun is coming out
breaking up the rainclouds

my mother and I
will walk down Isabella street
away from St. Mary’s
the lane is full of blossoming lilacs
cherry trees
white and rose flowers
and the scent of sweet bloom

she says she doesn’t want to go
that she is too weak
so I tell her it will be good for her

the walk
the air
the purples and pinks
all the rain soaked aromas of Spring

the Life of wind
