Aug 2014

When I'm not sure how things are going, remember

When I'm not sure how things are going, remember
that I can drink clean water, eat good food, make love to my wife, play with my kid,
walk outside, sit in a café, read, play games, write, laugh with friends, waste time on
little indulgences, call family, draw, paint, play or listen to music, create, start projects,
go for a run, plan a trip, buy something, shop, get a haircut or a massage, improve my
self, dream, risk, help others, be a positive influence, contribute, give, cook a good meal
or go out to eat, be alone or with others, exercise, take a drive, write an email or
letter, talk to people, meditate, breathe, explore, research, think, invest, relax, be quiet, be
noisy, teach, inspire, react, express

myself, sing, guide, climb, try, network, seek counsel, observe, admire, be ridiculous,
smell, taste, touch, hear, see
things, accomplish,
meander, move forward, celebrate, feel, question, rest, sleep

early, wake early, or the opposite,
shower or bathe, swim or swing, jump or roll,
hug someone, dig deep, hone skills, revisit, learn, smile, make others

remember, forgive,

and be grateful

any old time I want.